Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sport Information

Football (in the transfer from the English - “foot ball”) the most popular command game in the world, where it is necessary to fight for a small quantity of glasses. The history “foot ball” counts numerous centuries. In different games with the ball, similar to the football, they played in the countries of the ancient east (Egypt, China), in the Ancient World (Greece, Rome), in France “the la of , in Italy and in England. The direct predecessor of European football was most likely Roman . In this game, which was one of the forms of the military training of legionaries, one ought to have conducted the ball between two counters. Approximately in Y century this game disappeared together with the Roman empire, but memory about it remained in the population of Europe, and especially in Italy.

Even great Leonardo da Vinci, whom the contemporaries characterized as the person locked, restrained in the manifestation of emotions, did not remain to it indifferent. In it “the biography of the most famous painters, [vayateley] and architects” we read: “… when its it is desired to differ, it revealed itself not exclusively in the painting or the sculpture, but it competed in the favorite by Florentine youths game into the foot ball…”. When in XYII century the supporters of the executed King of England Carl of the I ran to Italy, they were introduced there to this game, and after [vosshestviya] to the throne in 1660. Carl THE II left it into England, where it became the game of court.

Olympic Games

In Russia the football was left by Englishmen at the end XIX v. in 1897. The Petersburg “circle of the amateurs of sport” creates the first Russian football team. On September 15, 1901. it follows to consider the starting point of the organized football in Russia. A quantity of football teams in Russia is tall. In 1901. a quantity of commands in Petersburg grew and made it possible to form Petersburg football league. Moscow football league began its activity in 1911.

On an example of Petersburg and Moscow the soccer clubs of many cities of the country are united into football leagues (Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev, Donbass and others). In the overall mass this was also entirely “green” football. Game bore the clearly expressed athletic nature. Forwards valued on the energetic nature, and defenders on [gabaritnosti] of figure. Competitions appeared instantly, unexpectedly. They played in the boots, the boots, barefoot, who in that [gorazd]. Frequently matches ended with brawl.

The majority of the outstanding masters of football began its football life precisely in “wild” commands. Such popular players of the first generation asIn 1904. on the initiative Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland was created the international federation of football associations . Together with since 1954. there is a European Union of football associations of the UEFA. has its regulations, it is acknowledged by the International Olympic Committee (MOK) and is the member of the general association of international sport federations .

The general association

In Russia the football was left by Englishmen at the end XIX v. in 1897. The Petersburg “circle of the amateurs of sport” creates the first Russian football team. On September 15, 1901. it follows to consider the starting point of the organized football in Russia. A quantity of football teams in Russia is tall. In 1901. a quantity of commands in Petersburg grew and made it possible to form Petersburg football league. Moscow football league began its activity in 1911.

On an example of Petersburg and Moscow the soccer clubs of many cities of the country are united into football leagues (Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev, Donbass and others). In the overall mass this was also entirely “green” football. Game bore the clearly expressed athletic nature. Forwards valued on the energetic nature, and defenders on [gabaritnosti] of figure. Competitions appeared instantly, unexpectedly. They played in the boots, the boots, barefoot, who in that [gorazd]. Frequently matches ended with brawl.

The majority of the outstanding masters of football began its football life precisely in “wild” commands. Such popular players of the first generation asIn 1904. on the initiative Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland was created the international federation of football associations . Together with since 1954. there is a European Union of football associations of the UEFA. has its regulations, it is acknowledged by the International Olympic Committee (MOK) and is the member of the general association of international sport federations .

Russian football

The first game team commands of Petersburg and Moscow took place in 1907. and it ended by the victory of Petersburg 2: 0. I nevertheless in one matter Moscow outdistanced Petersburg. Priority in the creation of female football teams belongs to it. In the journal “Russian sport” for 1911[g]. it is possible to be introduced to the history of the origin of the first female associations in Moscow and its environments. On August 16 into the pouring rain on the area of circle “sport” in Petrovskiy -took place game. The mistresses of field yielded (1: 5) to guests from the club “of Pushkin”.

In 1911. All-Russian football union was organized. Difficult it was to the first Russian players to obtain glory to domestic football. In 1913. the second superiority of Russia was played. Result was sensational. The command of Petersburg lost to Odessa residents in the final match with the score 2: 4. Odessa rejoiced. In 1914. the begun encounters on the superiority of Russia brought to completion were not. World War interrupted them. Russian football players left for the first time in 1910 to the international arena ; when Russia visited the command of the Prague club “Of ”. Russian football players could not show the foreigners of proper resistance and larger partly they lost. Its history only began.


Football in the pre-revolutionary Russia did not receive mass propagation. Tsarist government impeded the development of the sport training of people. Is nonaccidental the appearance of football team on the Olympic Games in 1912. it was finished by failure, but glad gravity of gold medals was tested twice in 1956. (Melbourne) and in 1988. (Seoul). In 1972, 1976 and 1980[g].[g]. he was the third prize-winner.

They were located in the chapter of Olympic composite different years: - trainers, whom the rumor enrolled into “classics”. Their composition visited almost all the noticeable masters of our country headed by the cavaliers of European “gold ball” by Leo and by Oleg. Football became the really mass form of sport in the years of the Soviet regime. Disregarding not to what difficulties, football violently flourished. Through entire Moscow, from The gate to the Rogojsko-Simonovsk settlement, on foot, in certain cases running, with the trunks in the hands rushed to the calendar matches famous and no one unknown football players. Since 1924. begin to be developed the championships of the country, at first for the composite commands of the cities (greatest successes it achieved team of Moscow).

Since 1936. the superiority of the USSR and the goblet of the country are developed. The greatest achievements in them attained the command “of the dynamo” of Moscow, Kiev and Tbilisi, the capital clubs “Spartacus”, the TsSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army) and “torpedo”. To the wide international arena Soviet football left in the postwar period. Its first official match the team of the USSR conducted against team Bulgaria (2: 1). Since 1958. Soviet football players participate in the world championships. High reaching - 4th place and the bronze medals of 1966

The important

The important political event of 1992could not but be reflected in the football life of the country. For the management of Russian football on February 8, 1992. was created Russian football union . One of its first solutions was the assertion of the structure of the championship of Russia 1992[g]. It was decided to carry it out through three - highest, the first and to the second. To the participation in the championship 180 commands were allowed.

From them 20 entered into the Major League, 52- into the first, the rest the secondly. Characteristic for the first championship moment - beginning of the functioning professional football leagues, which began to answer for conducting of the championships of the country and acquisition by our football players of status of . Besides the traditional competitions (championship and the goblet of the country) in Russia began to be carried out new tournament - goblet of the champions of collaboration . In 1994-95g.

The team of Russia occupied the first place, after outdistancing the commands of Scotland and Greece, in the elimination tournament of the championship of Europe. 1997. - the centenary anniversary of football. Large and glorious way is behind. Each generation educated its outstanding masters of leather ball, this small magician, who possesses miraculous force. It rejuvenates people, prevents premature old age, makes it necessary to be disturbed, are disturbed all - there are no indifferent on the platforms.

Russian hockey

Under his guardianship began to sparkle the craftsmanship of Vyacheslav Fetisov, Aleksey , Of , Sergey Makarov, Igor Vladimir Victorand many other masters. With it the pass into the large hockey was obtained those, who are now registered among the best-known players national hockey leagues - Valerie Kamienski, Sergey Fedorov, Alexander, by Pavel .Female hockey in the 90-[ye] years the absence of stability impelled many chief players to search for happinesses in the rich foreign clubs. Domestic hockey was deprived of its stars, and can serve as only comfort the circumstance that the majority of them were not mislaid in the strange hockey, but vice versa - they are leaders, including in the clubs and thus support the high stamp of Russian hockey school. In recent years hockey was supplemented by the competitions of female commands. This form is included in the program of the winter Olympic Games 1998 g. in the Japanese Nagant revolver. The first Olympic champions became the team of the USA.

Russian hockey began new turn - turn to the side of distant village. The new, strong in the economic and organization plan hockey centers appeared on the map of Russia: Togliatti, Magnitogorsk, Cherepovets, Omsk, Tyumen', Yaroslavl', Novosibirsk…