Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Historical information

Hockey with the washer was designed as sport game in Canada, but its “ancestors” were games with the ball and the clubs on ice, popular in Holland in XYI-XYII centuries. The hockey on ice, similar to the contemporary hockey with the ball, was one of the dear games of Dutchmen. Numerous engravings and pictures of the Dutch artists of that time testify about this.

Gradually interest in the hockey on ice in Europe was reduced, and only in of 2nd third XIX v. hockey again conquered citizenship. And although contemporary hockey with the washer “was born” in Canada, “were guilty” of this they proved to be Englishmen. From Holland ice hockey arrived in England, and from there into Canada. Already in the 70's XIX v. hockey with the washer was included in the program of all winter sport holidays in Canada. The first hockey rules were formulated by university students in Montreal. Role winch they began to carry out two stones on ice, with the aid of which were determined the dimensions of space, into which it is possible to drive in washer.

It is established that the first official match on the hockey took place in Montreal on the roller “Victoria” on March 3, 1875: commands consisted of 9 people, game was conducted by wooden disk, were used gates. In 1879. Canadian. Robertson formulated the rules of hockey, having for the first time proposed to use the india-rubber packing for the game. The first official rules of the game into the hockey with the washer were published in 1886. The author of the new code of rules became Canadian [R]. Smith. In the same 1886 g. the first international encounter between the Canadian and English commands (they conquered Canadians) was carried out. Championships began to carry out yearly, and to conquerors to entrust the Stanley Cup. (In 1893. the governor general of Canada, Briton lord Stanley, founded silver goblet for the yearly rewarding of the best command of the country.)

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