Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sport Information

Football (in the transfer from the English - “foot ball”) the most popular command game in the world, where it is necessary to fight for a small quantity of glasses. The history “foot ball” counts numerous centuries. In different games with the ball, similar to the football, they played in the countries of the ancient east (Egypt, China), in the Ancient World (Greece, Rome), in France “the la of , in Italy and in England. The direct predecessor of European football was most likely Roman . In this game, which was one of the forms of the military training of legionaries, one ought to have conducted the ball between two counters. Approximately in Y century this game disappeared together with the Roman empire, but memory about it remained in the population of Europe, and especially in Italy.

Even great Leonardo da Vinci, whom the contemporaries characterized as the person locked, restrained in the manifestation of emotions, did not remain to it indifferent. In it “the biography of the most famous painters, [vayateley] and architects” we read: “… when its it is desired to differ, it revealed itself not exclusively in the painting or the sculpture, but it competed in the favorite by Florentine youths game into the foot ball…”. When in XYII century the supporters of the executed King of England Carl of the I ran to Italy, they were introduced there to this game, and after [vosshestviya] to the throne in 1660. Carl THE II left it into England, where it became the game of court.

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