Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The important

The important political event of 1992could not but be reflected in the football life of the country. For the management of Russian football on February 8, 1992. was created Russian football union . One of its first solutions was the assertion of the structure of the championship of Russia 1992[g]. It was decided to carry it out through three - highest, the first and to the second. To the participation in the championship 180 commands were allowed.

From them 20 entered into the Major League, 52- into the first, the rest the secondly. Characteristic for the first championship moment - beginning of the functioning professional football leagues, which began to answer for conducting of the championships of the country and acquisition by our football players of status of . Besides the traditional competitions (championship and the goblet of the country) in Russia began to be carried out new tournament - goblet of the champions of collaboration . In 1994-95g.

The team of Russia occupied the first place, after outdistancing the commands of Scotland and Greece, in the elimination tournament of the championship of Europe. 1997. - the centenary anniversary of football. Large and glorious way is behind. Each generation educated its outstanding masters of leather ball, this small magician, who possesses miraculous force. It rejuvenates people, prevents premature old age, makes it necessary to be disturbed, are disturbed all - there are no indifferent on the platforms.

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