Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The general association

In Russia the football was left by Englishmen at the end XIX v. in 1897. The Petersburg “circle of the amateurs of sport” creates the first Russian football team. On September 15, 1901. it follows to consider the starting point of the organized football in Russia. A quantity of football teams in Russia is tall. In 1901. a quantity of commands in Petersburg grew and made it possible to form Petersburg football league. Moscow football league began its activity in 1911.

On an example of Petersburg and Moscow the soccer clubs of many cities of the country are united into football leagues (Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev, Donbass and others). In the overall mass this was also entirely “green” football. Game bore the clearly expressed athletic nature. Forwards valued on the energetic nature, and defenders on [gabaritnosti] of figure. Competitions appeared instantly, unexpectedly. They played in the boots, the boots, barefoot, who in that [gorazd]. Frequently matches ended with brawl.

The majority of the outstanding masters of football began its football life precisely in “wild” commands. Such popular players of the first generation asIn 1904. on the initiative Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland was created the international federation of football associations . Together with since 1954. there is a European Union of football associations of the UEFA. has its regulations, it is acknowledged by the International Olympic Committee (MOK) and is the member of the general association of international sport federations .

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