Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Football in the pre-revolutionary Russia did not receive mass propagation. Tsarist government impeded the development of the sport training of people. Is nonaccidental the appearance of football team on the Olympic Games in 1912. it was finished by failure, but glad gravity of gold medals was tested twice in 1956. (Melbourne) and in 1988. (Seoul). In 1972, 1976 and 1980[g].[g]. he was the third prize-winner.

They were located in the chapter of Olympic composite different years: - trainers, whom the rumor enrolled into “classics”. Their composition visited almost all the noticeable masters of our country headed by the cavaliers of European “gold ball” by Leo and by Oleg. Football became the really mass form of sport in the years of the Soviet regime. Disregarding not to what difficulties, football violently flourished. Through entire Moscow, from The gate to the Rogojsko-Simonovsk settlement, on foot, in certain cases running, with the trunks in the hands rushed to the calendar matches famous and no one unknown football players. Since 1924. begin to be developed the championships of the country, at first for the composite commands of the cities (greatest successes it achieved team of Moscow).

Since 1936. the superiority of the USSR and the goblet of the country are developed. The greatest achievements in them attained the command “of the dynamo” of Moscow, Kiev and Tbilisi, the capital clubs “Spartacus”, the TsSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army) and “torpedo”. To the wide international arena Soviet football left in the postwar period. Its first official match the team of the USSR conducted against team Bulgaria (2: 1). Since 1958. Soviet football players participate in the world championships. High reaching - 4th place and the bronze medals of 1966

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