Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Russian football

The first game team commands of Petersburg and Moscow took place in 1907. and it ended by the victory of Petersburg 2: 0. I nevertheless in one matter Moscow outdistanced Petersburg. Priority in the creation of female football teams belongs to it. In the journal “Russian sport” for 1911[g]. it is possible to be introduced to the history of the origin of the first female associations in Moscow and its environments. On August 16 into the pouring rain on the area of circle “sport” in Petrovskiy -took place game. The mistresses of field yielded (1: 5) to guests from the club “of Pushkin”.

In 1911. All-Russian football union was organized. Difficult it was to the first Russian players to obtain glory to domestic football. In 1913. the second superiority of Russia was played. Result was sensational. The command of Petersburg lost to Odessa residents in the final match with the score 2: 4. Odessa rejoiced. In 1914. the begun encounters on the superiority of Russia brought to completion were not. World War interrupted them. Russian football players left for the first time in 1910 to the international arena ; when Russia visited the command of the Prague club “Of ”. Russian football players could not show the foreigners of proper resistance and larger partly they lost. Its history only began.

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